It’s amazing how time flies sometimes. I’ve been so busy working on my other blog that I’ve completely neglected my own site. I really should know better by now but sometimes life really can get the best of you. I’m here now though and I’ll hopefully be able to post a little something on a regular basis.
So, what the heck have I been up to? Well, I’m still working full time with my family’s company. I’m still a consultant with Perfectly Posh and recently I’ve added Origami Owl to that list. I’m not as focused on the later two but it is nice to make some extra money from time to time! If you’re interested in checking either out I’ll have a list of links at the end of the post!
I also got another cat. My friends joked that I got Frankie right after David Bowie. Then I went and adopted Oliver right after Chris Cornell. Personally, I don’t think that’s the case. So how did I end up with Oliver? I’d gone to Pet Smart for cat food and saw this little kitten peaking around the corner in the adoption area. All the other kittens were asleep but he kept watching me. Basically he picked me and I couldn’t leave without him. They have their own Instagram and I’ll leave a link at the end of the post.
Lots of Writing
The Other Blog
I’ve also been working on another blog where we update a little more often than I have been over here. It’s been pretty fun the last two years. It’s called Not Your Counter Culture. We’ve been focused on sharing fun playlists we’ve made, looking at some of the different subscription boxes and searching for off the beaten path places in Charleston and Charlotte.
The Novel
My friend and I are also working on a novel (well a series). We’ve been talking about it for years but we’ve finally buckled down and started doing some serious work towards starting. I’m really excited to finally put all of our ideas down. I’ll probably be updating a lot about that process over here.
Links to check out